I International Scientific and Practical Conference


November 14-15, 2024

Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatova

Requirements for Articles

Submissions will be accepted until April 15, 2024.

Manuscript requirements for publication in the "E3S Web of Conferences", journal indexed by Scopus:

SEND ARTICLES TO: sdea2024@mail.ru

Article template

Scientific articles corresponding to the specialization of the conference and possessing scientific novelty are accepted for publication. It is not allowed to send to the organizing committee already published articles or articles sent for publication in other publications.

The article is accompanied by a REGISTRATION FORM addressed to the organizing committee.

Structure of the article

The following sections should be highlighted:

  1. Introduction;
  2. Materials and Methods;
  3. Results and Discussion;
  4. Conclusion;
  5. Acknowledgements – optional element.

The above sections are mandatory. Within these sections, subparagraphs may be highlighted and named at the discretion of the authors.

The results presented in the article should be formulated in the form of scientific statements that clearly define the substance of the contribution to science.

Procedure for accepting materials for publication

Before sending an article for translation, you should send the source material in Russian to the organizing committee. We strongly recommend not to translate the article before the end of the review procedure, as in most cases after the review the corrections are made to the article.

Work with articles follows the following scheme:

  1. Article registration
  2. Checking for uniqueness (originality)
  3. Reviewing
  4. Conclusion of the contract for the organizational fee
  5. Sending confirmation of acceptance of the article for publication

When the status of an article is changed, a message is sent to the corresponding author. Positive result of uniqueness check (anti-plagiarism) is given to articles with originality of 75% and higher. During reviewing, the compliance of the article with the requirements for publication and the conference theme, relevance of the research is evaluated.

Articles are published in English only. The article must be written in a language understandable to a specialist in the relevant field. English translations are translated by native speakers and professional translators.

Research articles should contain:

    • Title;
    • Information about the authors (surname with initials; place of work, city, country; e-mail address);
    • An abstract of 100 to 150 words;
    • List of references (minimum number – 8 references in addition to self-citations, references to Scopus, Web of Science publications are obligatory).

References to the sources used should be arranged in the order of mentioning in the text in the format [1], [2-6], [3, 5, 7]. References to unpublished articles should not be given. We ask that references to Russian-language articles (journals), which have a translated title, be made in English at once.

After peer review, the article is sent for translation.

Length of the article: 5-6 full pages (font size 10 pt, single spacing).

The number of articles that can be published by the author in the collection – not more than two.

Number of authors in one article – no more than five.

Articles and related papers should be sent to: sdea2024@mail.ru

The size of the organizational fee – 16000 rubles (for 1 article in the conference proceedings).

Editing service (if necessary) - 2000 rubles for 1 article (if you cannot design an article according to the requirements of the template, you can formalize this service).

Payment of the organizational fee should be made only after the conclusion of the contract for the organization of the publication. Please note that in case of non-payment of the organizational fee in due time, your article will not be published.

Dear colleagues, we urge you to make sure that all materials (articles) that you send to the organizing committee of the conference have not been previously published in any publications (including in Russian).
